Men's Business Grooming

A Pocket Full or A Pocket Fool?

A Pocket Full or A Pocket Fool?

Men's Business Grooming 17.06.2013

"He reached into the breast pocket of a well-pressed long sleeve shirt and pulled out a limited edition of a Mont Blanc ..." This description sounds like the kind of scene typical of a Mont Blanc commercial. Immediately, I picture a man who is suave and has refined taste.

Accessories For Men 男士也要装饰

Accessories For Men 男士也要装饰

Men's Business Grooming 18.03.2013

男士身边的女人算是装饰品吗? 无论是车子或领带,甚至是他身边的女人都是装饰品。就好像我们一见到路上的跑车,首先会看车上的司机,因为那辆车就是他身份的象征。 而且,有些时候还幻想,如果那驾车的绅士是你,那该多好啊!男士们,你对男士装饰品认识多少?你懂得为自己增添个人品牌素质吗?

Shopping and Suiting for Men

Shopping and Suiting for Men

Men's Business Grooming 07.01.2012

When men are interested in styling, they are ready to go all the way to learn about suiting. The men were shopping in Isetan with SWET Image Professionals. Everyone learned more about suits and the make of trousers. It was a shopping educational tour for the men.

Just For Men!

Just For Men!

ImageMakeoverMen's Business GroomingVideo 15.11.2010

Men can move from "Image Make-do" to "Image Makeover". It is a positive and successful mindset to shift from making do with life to a lifestyle makeover. How successful you want to become depends how you brand and package yourself. Mr Too shares his experience with his recent transformation ...