我心目中的一位传奇人物。A Legend

TestimonialsUYIQ 02.07.2013

今天上午和Sheila一块儿在某机构作培训。茶点时间,有个亮丽的马来同胞笑脸迎面而来,热情的向我们打招呼。和Sheila亲切的交谈几句,又向我 说:“She is the best trainer I’ve ever met.  She changes people’s lives.”  她目光的闪烁,感受到她感激万分的心情;和第一次见到的她比较,从衣着颜色搭配,实在可说是进步神速;同时,从她的谈吐也发现自信心提升了。 她还说,她的上司见到她的改变,并鼓励更多同事一起学习。

打从心里,无限感激能在这健康、正面的团队成长。领袖为人的真性情、认真工作的态度及投入,成为我工作、处事的学习榜样。坦诚对待我们每个同事,让彼此没 有隔膜的交流,促使工作更有效率完成。Sheila 善于发掘人的才华,让我们团队的每个人都有发挥空间。她也是个用者不疑的好教练,她非常明白人非圣贤,她总是在我 们做不足的地方给予提醒、调整。这样与她合作,不只愉快,且能快速成长。 还记得有一次,就因为我迟到,而让整个会议延迟了30分钟,造成了同事们的下一个约会也迟到了;许多不必要的代价就因此产生。她非常严谨要求,守时的良好行为是每位专业形象师必备的条件。她反而不计较我的过错,她还是让我有机会完成整个任务。


她每一场的演讲或培训,参与人数多至上千,少至个位数,她都场场从容上阵、生动有趣的把课程所传达讯息给带出。就说今天的课程吧!是她多年以来,在这机构 所作培训当中最少人的一组。然而,她还是一样的通过她真人真事、精彩的分享, 把理论化为实习的课业;让这群参与者有更深入的学习印象。



Sheila and Gigue having some fun at meal time.                 Sheila and Gigue at an exhibition

This morning, I assisted Sheila in a corporate training.  During tea break, a Malay participant, beaming with happiness, approached and greeted us at our table.  She spoke with Sheila for a while, then turned to me and expressed with exuberance, “She is the best trainer I’ve ever met.  She changes people’s lives.”  Her eyes were twinkling with excitement as I could feel her gratefulness.  I recalled how the participant looked the first time I met her, from her color coordination, I could see how fast she put to practice what she had learned.  At the same time, from how she expressed herself, her confidence had improved tremendously too.  She continued and told us that due to her transformation, her superior encouraged more staff to sign up for the lessons.
I am so fortunate and grateful to be working with a positive and encouraging team.  Our leader is authentic, she is serious with her work and commit to every task enthusiastically.  These are the qualities that are exemplary for my growth and learning.  We work with our colleagues truthfully so that there will be no barriers, leading to completion of any work effectively.  Sheila is able to unearth people’s potential, giving each team member every opportunity to shine.  She is also a trainer who walks the talk, understands everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, so she will point out our mistakes and coach us to be better.  I am happy working with her and it speeds up my learning process.  Once I was half an hour late for our team meeting and it affected everyone’s schedule.  Without hesitation, she seriously reminded me of the importance of punctuality because that is the attribute of a professional Image Consultant.  Despite my tardiness, she still allowed me the opportunity to complete my task.
At every training or speaking assignment, regardless of the number of participants, it could be a thousand participants or just a handful, Sheila is always energetic and makes every event fun to attend.  Let’s talk about today’s training, it had the least participants throughout Sheila’s training sessions with this corporation.  Nevertheless, she used her own personal stories and experiences to explain the concepts, making it so easy for participants to understand the lessons.
Sheila loves her work and adheres to her mission statement, yet she keeps up with her health, family and friends.  Wherever she may be, there is joy.  Thank you Sheila for showing me my strength and power, giving me the vigor, from now on, to go all out to be the best.  I will live my best life, and I will share my belief in everything beautiful by helping others to discover their self-esteem.
CHINESE TEXT: Gigue Lim, SWET Image Professional
SWET Team with logistics at UP YOUR IQ8