Jenny and Emily’s Video Testimonials

ImagePBSPersonal BrandingTestimonialsUYIQVideo 10.10.2012

On a sunny Wednesday, Cherrise, Chee Wah and I met up with Emily and Jenny, who are the new graduates of PBS (Personalized Branding Series).  We met at Botanica Bistro located in Bangsar Village.  In a soothing atmosphere with soft music, all of us started our conversation revolving the beautiful transformation of two gorgeous women, talking about the impact of PBS in their work-life.

一个艳阳的星期三,和同事Cherrise,Chee Wah 约了刚刚PBS毕业的Emily与Jenny在Bangsar Village, Botanica Bistro 见面。在悦耳音乐及舒适的环境下,我们开始聊起了PBS课程所带给这两位漂亮女人在生活、工作上的回响。

“This PBS is truly amazing,”  Jenny’s burst of excitement.   “Through this Series, I found Myself.  PBS has brought me to another level.  Life has become so colorful.   When I open my wardrobe, it contains the colors of the rainbow.  This is the new Me!”

「真是太令人惊叹了!这PBS课程。」Jenny的第一句话。「因为这个课程,我找回了自己,它带我到另一高峰。生活有了色彩,因为现在的我,每天一打开 衣柜,里面所装着的是彩虹颜色。」

Emily added to the excitement: “I will never dress like my old self again, not even over my dead body.  Now, I dress up feeling pretty, even those who are close to me, my family and friends can’t stop giving me praises.  My confidence is raised and it helped me to bring my business to greater heights.”

Emily又接着说:「打死都不会再回到过去的着装,因为现在的我每天不止自己打扮漂亮,我身边的家人及朋友也不停的 赞赏我。这让我更具信心,它也帮助我在事业上更上一层楼!」

Over the tête-à-tête session, seeing the twinkle in their eyes, I sensed their happiness and confidence about themselves.  As part of the SWET team, I felt a sense of pride.  Every graduate’s transformation is like a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.  It is gratifying to witness the change in the graduates.  With this transformation, we are taking a bigger bolder step forward.

在整个聊天分享的过程,我从她们闪烁的眼神,感受到她们的喜悦、对自己的肯定。这让身为SWET 一份子的我感到无比的安慰。每个学员像蝴蝶的蜕变,是我们的安慰;从而更驱使我们向前大步迈进。

By Gigue Lim, SWET Image Professional

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